One is the castle known as La Favara, from its Arabic name al-bFawwara/b, the gushing spring. It was the residence of the Emir Ja'far (997-1019), whose name is commemorated in a street sign that leads to the Castle. b....../b DALITS & MUSLIMS Governor Bobby Jindal funded by Anti-Semitic Terrorists Modi & Hindu fundamentalist Modi in ?India? funded by US Gujaratis Governor Bobby Jindal is financed by Indian American bHotel/b Association and he supports the IAHA which funds Modi ...
These tactics have been already used by the Maltese Christian Democrats (who are the real Christians??) against Alfred Sant. However bil/b-poplu m'ghaddux mazzun dear PN. Next one please. Tippruvawx taljenaw bil/b-poplu ghax dejjaqtuh. ... As if Joseph Muscat built his home in Bahrija, on the outskirts of Bidnija, or, as if He has applied- as part time farmer- to build bFawwara/b! It is like watching a Tinto Brass comic and pritan film! Stephanie Falzon (on 27/7/09) ...